Tweet the Meat is a Twitter-only, horror/weird/speculative market that opened in May, 2009.
No serials. No unfinished stories. You must scare us in 140 characters or less. Are you up to the challenge?

No fan fiction or any other trademarked characters.
No reprints.
Nothing that would be illegal in any way.
Dear Lord, nothing in SMS or text-speak.
All stories must be complete. (No Serials.)
Other than that, the world is your oyster... Your 140 character oyster.
Our submission periods are on Saturdays and Sundays. If your clock says it's Saturday or Sunday, you may submit. If it says it's Monday, Friday or any other day, don't submit.
Most weeks, we are asking for a specific theme. To learn what the next theme will be, read the Twitter Feed or check back after Thursday and click here. Please, no simultaneous submissions. Multiple submissions are allowed and encouraged up to five at a time. Please put all of your submissions in a single email, and please only send us one email a weekend.
We aim to have a response time of <1 week. Feel free to query if you haven't heard from us after 14 days.
Please submit in the body of an email to tweetthemeat (at) gmail(dot)com. Put "Submission" in the title. Include your name and a short bio. Your bio will appear in this blog with a link to your tweet.
Due to the length of the Twitter stories, no title is necessary. Bylines are given in a secondary tweet.
We ask for non-exclusive, first digital rights. In addition, we request non-exclusive, print anthology rights
(This is new as of 9/18/09). Original author retains all copyrights. All we ask is it first appears on Tweet the Meat, and immediately thereafter it's yours to do with as you please.
We pay a flat rate of $1.00 a tweet. We pay via Paypal only, so if you don't have a Paypal account, we can donate your payment to the paypal-accepting charity of your choice. We pay on acceptance.
We publish one Meat Tweet a day at approximately 6 p.m. Pacific Time. In the future, we hope to increase both the frequency and pay rate.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at tweetthemeat (at) gmail(dot)com.
This form was last updated on 9-18-09