Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tweet the Meat News: Twitter Literary Zines

There are several venues for micro fiction and prose on Twitter, and if you've somehow found yourself here, you may be interested in some of the others. I recommend reading and following every single one of these. Some of these are paying markets, some are not. 

I'm only listing ones that accept other people's work.

Nanoism "Thoughtful" fiction

Outshine optimistic, near-future prose

Picfic Experimental

Thaumatrope Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror

Escarp Poetry and Prose

And of course there's Tweet the Meat, Twitter's premier paying Horrorzine. 

I also highly recommend Very Short Story but these are all written by one person.

If anyone knows of any others, feel free to post in comments and I'll add them to the list.  I'm reading: Tweet the Meat News: Twitter Literary ZinesTweet this!


  1. Another brand-new venue is @seedpodpub, though it appears they're so new they haven't officially opened for business yet.

    If you're going to throw out an individual writer, I'd say my two favorite by far are @midnightstories and @arjunbasu--both very different styles but consistently good.

  2. I also like @AStoryIn140 Of course, I would, since I write it! :)

  3. I've recently come across a little gem: @twistedtales

    It's not a story a day, but well worth the wait!

  4. I think you're exaggerating. Sure, they haven't added any new instances as far as layout goes. But they did have to add artwork on the walls, trees, houses etc to it, as well as monsters, bosses and quests. And ALL of that has to fit into the very big storyline that's already there. And then all of that has to be tested as well, it won't be magically bugfree.

  5. Twitter is no longer followed as long as FB has more and more users :)

  6. the social websites are really amazing, the idea behind it is rocking
